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Roe v Wade and God's agenda

“If this is a draft of the final opinion, it will overturn Roe and allow abortion to be handled by the states. I’m hoping this will happen, and encouraged that we’re going to be able to act at the state level to protect life.

“Regardless of what the Court decides, I’m confident Alabama will continue to defend the life of these babies. I’ve always believed that life begins at the moment of conception, and nothing is going to change that.

“I’m concerned, like many people I’ve talked to since Monday night, about how the Left is going to use this leak. It’s too convenient, and something like this has never happened as far as I can remember. We’ve already seen chanting mobs gather outside the court, and Joe Biden said on Tuesday that the right to abortion is ‘fundamental’ and that he’ll work to protect Roe.

“The Democratic Party, and the Left in general, believe that a woman’s right to abort her baby just because she wants to is a basic right. I couldn’t disagree more. I’m running for Congress as a Republican in part because I know that we’re going to have to fight efforts by the Democrats to make Roe a federal law. Bernie Sanders tweeted this out last night, and I believe him about this.

“As your Congresswoman from District 7, I’ll fight every effort to pass Roe as a federal law. I’ll fight the liberal’s efforts to expand and pack the Court, because they’ll use this leak to push for that again. I’ll fight to completely defund Planned Parenthood because I believe our tax dollars shouldn’t be used to pay for the intentional murder of unborn life—life that is a precious gift from God.

“This leak couldn’t have come at a better time for the Democrats, because now they have something to rally their base and get them to the polls. They can’t run on Biden’s record, because it’s awful. They can’t run on the economy, because it’s bad. They don’t have anything good to run on after 16 months of Bidenflation, the Afghanistan disaster, empty shelves, gas and food prices, the border crisis, mask and vaccine mandates…you name it, everything they’ve done has failed.

“Abortion is a big issue, but it’s not the only issue. That’s why we can’t fall for the Left’s distractions. We hope this draft is what the SCOTUS will decide about abortion, but we also have to have a Republican House and Senate in 2022, and return a Republican to the White House in 2024. We have to fix what Biden and the Democrats have broken.

“We have to stay diligent in prayer for this country. With every major decision made in America, we must offer our voice in prayer and ask God to give us wisdom, insight, grace, and understanding. As a nation, we can heal the wombs of abortion and begin coming together to speak truth with grace to everyone who is in opposition to life.

“To my dear Pro-life friends, I say this: we are just beginning to see God work through the hearts and minds of people in this country. I pray we see God’s glory through and in this, every step of the way. It is our time as Christians to act out of love, to reach out to mothers who feel they have no other choice but to end a life God has created. It is time for the Church to stand up and be counted, so we can show mothers of every background, race, and culture--YOU are NOT alone. God expects and has equipped the Church to act in love and truth. Our time to act is now.

“With God’s help and the support of the people of District 7, I’ll be part of that Republican House. It is long past time to take a stand for our community, district, nation, and our children.”


Nichols is a candidate for Congress in Alabama’s 7th District. She is unopposed in the Republican primary on May 24th, and will presumably face incumbent Democrat Terri Sewell in the general election on November 8th.

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May 22, 2022

Bea, I have decided that I will never again send somebody to rule over me that is going to forget that their one of us. I don't believe you will forget, therefore, you will have my vote in November. I'm not sure which people in this district Terri Sewell represents but, it's not me! It seems that people's common sense gets buried in the garbage when they go to Washington. Since I believe that common sense (and wisdom) are God-given and not learned in the classroom, I will expect you, as a strong believer, not to allow yours to be buried when you go next January. I will look forward to having someone represent me who has character (integrit…

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