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Can you beat Terri Sewell?

I was recently asked these questions in an email.

Can Beatrice Nichols beat Terri Sewell in November?

No republican has ever been able to beat Terri Sewell. So how will Beatrice Nichols be able to beat Terri Sewell?

Can Beatrice Nichols get crossover independent votes and crossover votes?

Will they crossover and vote for Beatrice Nichols in November?

Here is my response:

To answer your questions... I do not know if I can beat Terri Sewell. I do not know if I will be able to get any crossover or independent votes in November. I am not privy to the future and I don't profess to know the hearts of others. All I know is that I wanted to give the people in this district a choice and a voice. It is not a race - with only one candidate. If they want change then they will think twice before they vote for the same representative they have had for 12 years. If they want what is happening to our country now (open borders, government overreach, mandates, high gas prices, record high inflation, high crime rate, abortion, low educational expectations for our children, poor water infrastructure, no voice, etc.) they will gladly still vote for Terri. If they desire to be faithful to a party or a platform that doesn't care about them, their community, their circumstances or their prosperity - they will still vote for Terri. If their convictions, priorities, and beliefs don't matter anymore - they will still vote for Terri - and sadly NOTHING I say or do will change their minds. If they want a voice for them and not a party- they will vote for me. I am a Christian who happens to be a Republican. I genuinely care about all of the people in this district. I entered this race because I love this country and what this country stands for. I love the people in this district because it is my home. I know God has directed and guided me to run for the 7th district and no matter the outcome - the people will have a choice. A choice they have not had for 10 years and in America that is very important. So important that I feel the need to be a candidate in an unwinnable race. I am not a politician and I am not bought by anyone. There should never - in my opinion- be a candidate in America unopposed. If this district wants change - they will vote differently in November. If they are happy with America being destroyed and happy with a representative who does not represent them - our future is very grim indeed. I don't profess to have all the answers but I do know where to look for answers - God, The Constitution, and the wonderful people of this district. This district is in a pitiful condition and it is way past time for a representative who will speak for the people and not be influenced by money, greed or position. If I beat Terri Sewell it will be because God is working in the hearts and minds of the people who live in the 7th district. I am planning on getting out into the community and telling them they have a voice, telling them my convictions, beliefs, and platform. But above all I will be asking THEM what THEY want because this is THEIR community, this is THEIR district, this is THEIR country and THEY need to be heard. Washington should never be telling us what to do, think, or believe. Our government is in place to be our voice and under our authority - not the other way around. America is losing its voice because of politicians who have no desire to speak for the people they represent.


Bea Nichols

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