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Memorial Day 2022

I took my little girl to Veterans Memorial Park in Tuscaloosa, Alabama yesterday. We walked around and looked at everything. I showed her the many names of our fallen men and women from Tuscaloosa and the surrounding areas. It was a solemn and reverent time. It was an honor to talk to my little girl about the sacrifices our town and our country has made for our freedoms. Every single name at the Veterans Memorial Park represents a family, a sacrifice, a life who loved this country enough to risk it all. Talk to your children about our great country, our great men and woman who defend our country and our freedoms. Talk to them about our history and let them know that this country is great BECAUSE of our history, BECAUSE of our trials, BECAUSE of our differences, BECAUSE of our common cry… FREEDOM!

HEART~ wounded in action

CROSS~ killed in action

STAR~ missing in action

PW~ prisoner of war

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